The Case of the Jade Dragon - Chapter 2

The link below will take you to my Goodreads page with the second chapter of the third book of the Jonas Watcher series. "What's New in My Life" I use to share my non-writing activities geared towards getting my name and the name of my product out there as much as possible. But I also want people who have access to this blog to also have quick access to my Goodreads blog. I hope you enjoy reading the non-edited version a chapter at a time, and I would like to get any feedback you have. If you haven't read the first book, you can eMail me at and let me know what eBook format you would like PDF, Nook, or Kindle and I will email it to you so you have some indication about the series.

Gene Poschman

Goodreads blog      Jonas Watcher Chapter 2


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