Does Offering a Pre-Order of an eBook Work Towards More Sales?

This article is a Work In Progress.

I am working on the fourth book in the Jonas Watcher Detective Adventure series. The first thing I will share is that I got a professional book cover creator. The cost is affordable and the results are great. His designs have given my stories a brand that is repeatable and I like the look and feel the books now have. Additionally, the books come in three different formats; eBook, paperback book, and audio book. My fourth book will be released in July 2017. I am starting promotions and advertising in advance of the release to generate "buzz". This, in turn, is supposed to generate more sales which will help pay for me to continue to write. For me personally, it means my readership has increased and hopefully more people are reading my novels and enjoying them. In order to set up books for pre-order, you need a cover, you need a synopsis, and you need to be writing a novel and it will be available on the release date. In this case, it is July 23-24, 2017.

The Case of the Dead Detective:
A Jonas Watcher Detective Adventure

Who killed Mickey Phillips?     

Jonas Watcher went to the docks for some clam chowder and sourdough bread. He became aware of two men who showed an unusual interest in him. He played cat and mouse with them and finally led them back to his office. The confrontation wasn't what Jonas expected. After a discussion with the two men over some coffee laced with Irish Whiskey, Jonas learned a shocking truth. A truth that sent him on a journey to Sacramento with his newly acquired girlfriend Mei Lin Fong and her family butler Charles,
   In Sacramento, Jonas made a phone call that resulted in them being put under surveillance that took an ominous turn.
     In the 1930s, political isolationists had an agenda focused on keeping the United States out of the current conflicts in Europe. And, they added one item to the top of their list: killing Jonas Watcher.
     Jonas needs the wisdom of Solomon to get out of this alive, and he finds it wearing a rumpled fedora and coat.

Part of the Pre-order plan is to offer the eBook at a special price of $0.99 during the Pre-order cycle. After the eBook has been released in July, the price will be set to $2.99 the price of the rest of my eBooks except "The Case of the Running Bag" which is a permanent freebie.

I will be doing a bunch of inexpensive promotions for all my novels and all the formats between May 6, 2017, and July 24, 2017. My desire is to increase the visibility of the Jonas Watcher Detective Adventure series. Below are links to take advantage of the offers. Right now two are in place, but there will be others.

At online retailers, "The Case of the Running Bag" is a free eBook.

"The Case of the Dead Detective" is on a Pre-order special of $0.99.

Keep your eyes open there will be specials on other books.


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